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Published: 27 April 2016
In marked there are lot of textile promising to protect from Electromagnetic fields (EMF). There are bunch of sites selling them. All of textiles are characterized like: shielding in dB, conductive surface Ohm/square, protection 99.5%, protects from EMF, etc. But there are only few products that are really tested and only fraction of them are tested using valid/standardized methods.
In our laboratory, we have tested hundreds of samples for clients all round the world. Some of clients are shocked after the tests, when we provide test report where it is written that textile have no impact on electromagnetic field– respectively it is useless to protect from EMF Fig. 3.
My aim here is not to point out the dirty players in EMF textile shielding market, but to give some useful and easy understandable information without complex math, on how textiles are tested.
There are several testing methods defined in international standards, but one of most recognized is to use shielded chamber with hole in the wall Fig.1. Shielded chamber is room made out of few mm thick steel, so inside the chamber there is no EMF, if the hole in the wall is cowered by steel plate. During the tests, metallic plate is replaced by textile sample and on each side of sample antennas are installed. Transmitting antenna inside chamber and receiving antenna outside the chamber.
Fig.1 Shielding effectiveness measurements
Transmitting antenna transmits RF signal and receiving antenna receives signal, that have traveled through the sample. If sample is ideal protector for EMF there are no signal received outside the chamber, but don’t be fooled by EMF textile sales managers, there are not ideal textiles.
Shielding Effectiveness (SE) is the ratio of the RF energy on one side of the shield to the RF energy on the other side of the shield expressed in decibels (dB) Fig.2.
Fig.2 Shielding effectiveness definition
Material shielding effectiveness is not constant in frequency range. Textile are thin materials, where usually conductive materials are integrated (usually metals, rarely carbon). So, usually it is not very good shielding below few MHz. Usually textiles are usable in frequency range ~100MHz– ~10GHz. On other frequency ranges they are useless, especially at mains frequencies 50/60Hz. Your EMF textile shorts and T-shirt will not protect you from the fields coming from power lines above your head and fields coming from the cables at your house. Will EMF textile shorts and T-shirt protect you from cellphone, wireless router, radio and TV station created fields, depends on many, many parameters and one of them is textile shielding effectiveness.
Some of textile measurement photos in laboratory with antennas.
Fig.3 Shielding effectiveness measurements
Electromagnetic field are invisible, so for some of you it is hard to understand, what is shielding effectiveness and how textile material affects electromagnetic waves. For these reason 3D electromagnetic modeling can be used to visualize the shielding of waves. Basically, model consists of wall (width 1m, height 1m) with aperture (0.5x0.5m) in it Fig. 4. On left side, electromagnetic wave is generated and it travels through the aperture to the right side. If aperture in wall is covered with textile, it has impact on electromagnetic field, electromagnetic waves should be damped.
Fig.4 Shielded wall with aperture
Fig.5 1GHz wave penetrating through open aperture in wall (dimensional view)
Fig.6 1GHz wave penetrating through open aperture in wall (side view)
As you can see in Fig.5 and Fig.6 field freely penetrates through aperture in wall. If aperture is covered by shielding textile electromagnetic waves are attenuated, attenuation depends on textile parameters. In this article three type samples are modeled sample with 200 Ohm/square, sample with 5 Ohm/square and sample with 0.1 Ohm/square.
If aperture in wall is covered by textile with 200 Ohm/square field is attenuated and can not freely penetrate through aperture Fig. 7, Fig. 8.
Fig.7 1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 200 Ohm/square (dimensional view)
Fig.8 1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 200 Ohm/square (side view)
If textile resistance is decreased down to 50 Ohm/square, field is attenuated and only fraction of it is transmitted to the other side of the wall.
Fig.9 1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 50 Ohm/square (dimensional view)
Fig.10 1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 50 Ohm/square (side view)
If textile resistance is decreased down to 0.1 Ohm/square, field is not transmitted to the other side of the wall Fig. 11, Fig. 12. So, it can be assumed that the textile material is ideal EMF protector at 1GHz frequency. I have not seen such materials in our lab.
Fig.11 1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 0.1 Ohm/square (dimensional view)
Fig.12 1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 0.1 Ohm/square (side view)
As you can see in figures the higher the resistance, the less effective textile material shields electromagnetic waves. 200 Ohm/square material have properties to protect you from EMF but it is not as far as good as 0.1 Ohm/square which looks like blocks all EMF (in real life I guess there is not textile with 0.1 Ohm/square, it is used only for visualization purposes).
Some visualisations
1GHz wave penetrating through aperture in shielded wall1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 200Ohm/square
1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 50Ohm/square
1GHz wave penetrating through sample textile with 0.1Ohm/square