EMC Test­ing

RF EMC DEVEL­OP­MENT pro­vides accred­ited EMC test­ing to reach Euro­pean mar­ket. We hold a long list of Euro­pean stan­dards for such indus­tries as– house­hold, indus­trial, auto­mo­tive, med­ical, tele­com, rail­way and aero­space.


In situ EMC test­ing

RF EMC DEVEL­OP­MENT has a ded­i­cated in​situ EMC test­ing team that car­ries out in situ EMC test­ing world­wide– includ­ing Rus­sia, Belorus­sia, Ukraine and all Europe using ded­i­cated EMC test­ing equip­ment.


LVD test­ing

RF EMC DEVEL­OP­MENT can help you to meet Low Volt­age Direc­tive (LVD) require­ments by inspect­ing and test­ing your prod­ucts in ISO17025 accred­ited test­ing lab­o­ra­tory. This is usu­ally done in con­junc­tion with (EMC) Elec­tro­mag­netic Com­pat­i­bil­ity test­ing.


Through our part­ners, noti­fied bod­ies in Euro­pean Union, we pro­vide cer­ti­fi­ca­tion ser­vices for man­u­fac­tur­ers, retail­ers, dis­trib­u­tors, and sup­pli­ers to enter EU mar­ket. We pro­vide all ser­vices to cer­tifi­cate your prod­ucts in the short time span– EMC test­ing, R&TT test­ing, LVD test­ing, devel­op­ment.


We can help you to improve your prod­uct if EMC test­ing or LVD test­ing have dis­cov­ered any defi­cien­cies and tests are failed or you only want to pre­pare your equip­ment for tests. RF EMC DEVEL­OP­MENT engi­neers works closely with you, trou­bleshoot­ing, design­ing and devel­op­ing your prod­uct to sat­isfy the require­ments. This involves fil­ter­ing, shield­ing, ground­ing, PCB lay­out and com­po­nent revi­sion. This is the key stage to pre­pare your prod­uct for suc­cess­ful test­ing. It involves pre­com­pli­ance test­ing in EMC lab­o­ra­tory to ver­ify mul­ti­ple solu­tions qual­ity and chose the most suit­able and low cost ver­sion.

EMC design in the very begin­ning is always the best approach, not after the fact, when accred­ited EMC test­ing has failed. We work with your engi­neers dur­ing the design cycle and give rec­om­men­da­tions to achieve EMC com­pli­ance. Con­sult­ing can be done in office or over the phone, if prod­uct early stage doc­u­men­ta­tion is pro­vided. EMC solu­tions are inex­pen­sive when imple­mented in early design stage. As the design cycle pro­gresses: from con­cept, to design, to pro­to­type mod­els, to EMC test­ing, to pro­duc­tion the num­ber of EMC mit­i­ga­tion tech­niques avail­able to the designer decreases steadily and the cost of achiev­ing EMC steadily goes up.



We pro­vide courses and train­ing that cov­ers the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal aspects of EMC test­ing, noise and inter­fer­ence con­trol in elec­tronic sys­tems. Inter­ac­tive course will pro­vide the par­tic­i­pants with a work­ing knowl­edge of elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity prin­ci­ples of trou­bleshoot­ing, pre­com­piance test­ing, fil­ter­ing, shield­ing etc. This course is directed towards engi­neers, qual­ity man­agers, tech­ni­cal man­agers, sys­tems engi­neers, reg­u­la­tory com­pli­ance engi­neers, EMC lab­o­ra­tory tech­ni­cians. It is also pos­si­ble to carry out train­ing on your test site or office, trou­bleshoot­ing your equip­ment.

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