EMC Testing
RF EMC DEVELOPMENT provides accredited EMC testing to reach European market. We hold a long list of European standards for such industries as– household, industrial, automotive, medical, telecom, railway and aerospace. Our test laboratory is accredited by European notified bodies according to ISO17025. Save your time by trying to couple EMC testing with other tests and CE certification needs (safety, environmental, energy efficiency, performance). RF EMC DEVELOPMENT has exclusive contracts with testing labs and certification authorities and provides full service to reach European market.
RF EMC DEVELOPMENT, offers a wide range of EMC testing services, starting from EMC pre-compliance testing and EMC troubleshooting to EMC compliance testing.- Radiated emissions
- Conducted emissions
- Conducted susceptibility
- Radiated susceptibility
- Electrical fast transients– Burst
- Electrostatistic discharge– ESD
- Overvoltage– Surge
- Power frequency magnetic field
- Power interruption
- Harmonic current emissions
- Flicker
We hold long list of EMC standards. Most popular of them are reviewed here for our clients and whole society to help to pick up suitable one depending on your product application:
EN 55011
EN 55015
EN55014-x series
EN 55022
EN 55024
EN 55032
EN 61000 – 3-x series
EN 61000 – 4-x series
EN 61000 – 6-x series
EN 61326‒1
EN 61547