Train­ing and courses

We pro­vide courses and train­ing that cov­ers the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal aspects of EMC test­ing, noise and inter­fer­ence con­trol in elec­tronic sys­tems. Inter­ac­tive course will pro­vide the par­tic­i­pants with a work­ing knowl­edge of elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity prin­ci­ples of trou­bleshoot­ing, pre­com­piance test­ing, fil­ter­ing, shield­ing etc. This course is directed towards engi­neers, qual­ity man­agers, tech­ni­cal man­agers, sys­tems engi­neers, reg­u­la­tory com­pli­ance engi­neers, EMC lab­o­ra­tory tech­ni­cians. It is also pos­si­ble to carry out train­ing on your test site or office, trou­bleshoot­ing your equip­ment.

Courses/​Training 1

Elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity engi­neer­ing courses

Three/​two day course cov­ers the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal aspects of noise and inter­fer­ence con­trol in elec­tronic sys­tems. Inter­ac­tive course will pro­vide the par­tic­i­pants with a work­ing knowl­edge of elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity prin­ci­ples of trou­bleshoot­ing, fil­ter­ing, shield­ing etc. The com­plex­ity of the­ory and math­e­mat­ics will be kept to a min­i­mum, and all ideas will be illus­trated with exam­ples of actual case his­to­ries.
This course is directed towards elec­tri­cal engi­neers, mechan­i­cal engi­neers, qual­ity man­agers, tech­ni­cal man­agers, sys­tems engi­neers, reg­u­la­tory com­pli­ance engi­neers, EMC lab­o­ra­tory tech­ni­cians, assem­bly line tech­ni­cians.
The par­tic­i­pants will receive knowl­edge nec­es­sary to design elec­tronic equip­ment which is com­pat­i­ble with the elec­tro­mag­netic envi­ron­ment and is in com­pli­ance with national and inter­na­tional EMC reg­u­la­tions in Euro­pean Union.

Courses/​Training 2

EMI-​EMC test lab­o­ra­tory courses

Three day course cov­ers the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal aspects of test­ing pro­ce­dures in EMC test­ing lab­o­ra­tory accord­ing to EN and CISPR stan­dards. Inter­ac­tive course will pro­vide the par­tic­i­pants with a work­ing knowl­edge of elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity prin­ci­ples of mea­sur­ing and trou­bleshoot­ing in EMC lab­o­ra­tory. The com­plex­ity of the­ory and math­e­mat­ics will be kept to a min­i­mum, and all ideas will be illus­trated with exam­ples of actual case sto­ries.
This course is directed towards EMC lab tech­ni­cians, EMC engi­neers, elec­tri­cal engi­neers, mechan­i­cal engi­neers, qual­ity man­agers, tech­ni­cal man­agers, sys­tems engi­neers, reg­u­la­tory com­pli­ance engi­neers.
The par­tic­i­pants will receive knowl­edge nec­es­sary to test elec­tronic equip­ment accord­ing to var­i­ous EMC stan­dards in com­pli­ance with national and inter­na­tional EMC reg­u­la­tions in Euro­pean Union.

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