LVD test­ing

RF EMC DEVEL­OP­MENT can help you to meet Low Volt­age Direc­tive (LVD)2014/35/EC require­ments by inspect­ing and test­ing your prod­ucts in ISO17025 accred­ited test­ing lab­o­ra­tory. This is usu­ally done in con­junc­tion with (EMC) Elec­tro­mag­netic Com­pat­i­bil­ity test­ing, since it is part of CE mark­ing and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. We cover wide range of har­mo­nized safety stan­dards for fol­low­ing indus­tries– house­hold, indus­trial, wood­work­ing, min­ing, med­ical, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion and rail­way. Our engi­neers can help you to pre­pare tech­ni­cal file and your prod­uct to com­ply with LVD require­ments.

The basic stan­dards used for test­ing, but not lim­ited to:
  • EN 60065 Audio, video and sim­i­lar elec­tronic appa­ra­tus for house­hold and sim­i­lar purposes;
  • EN 602041 Elec­tri­cal equip­ment of machines;
  • EN 603351 Elec­tri­cal appli­ances for house­hold and sim­i­lar purposes;
  • EN 605981 Light­ing equip­ment, intended for house­hold and sim­i­lar purposes;
  • EN 609501 Infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy equipment;
  • EN 610101 Elec­tri­cal equip­ment for mea­sure­ment, con­trol and lab­o­ra­tory processes;

The Low Volt­age Direc­tive (LVD) 2014/​35/​EC applies to prod­ucts with AC main between 50V and 1.000V or DC 75V and 1.500V. For the equip­ment under R&TTE Direc­tive or Med­ical Direc­tive, LVD is applic­a­ble with­out the appli­ca­tion of the volt­age ranges– in these cases the LVD still applies for prod­ucts with a bat­tery sup­ply.

Prod­uct must be safe for humans, ani­mals and its envi­ron­ment under nor­mal con­di­tions, there­fore, it includes:

  • Elec­tri­cal safety
  • Mechan­i­cal safety
  • Ther­mal safety
  • Chem­i­cal safety
  • Radi­a­tion safety
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